As Mayor I will support;
- Protecting our most valuable assetour homes, by making sure we have good streets, clean drinking water, and adequate fire and police protection.
- Thoughtful planning to make Dayton the best community it can be today and tomorrow.
- Working to attract good business to Dayton to develop our tax base and provide jobs.
- Well thought out zoning and growth control ordinances to allow us to grow at a reasonable pace, without overtaxing our roads and schools.
- Adequately funding our capital reserve funds to allow us to save for fire trucks, snowplows and other big ticket items.
- Bringing city services to those who need it today, and reserving capacity for those who may need it in the future.
- Aggressively pursuing grants and other funding sources to help pay for our future infrastructure needs.
I am not afraid to tackle the tough issues today, so we know what to expect tomorrow.
We are facing some financial difficulties in the near future and we need a leader with enough
experience, knowledge, and common sense to get us through tough times.
You have my promise I will serve the residents of Dayton with integrity, honesty, respect,
and common sense. I am asking for your support and for your vote on September 14th and
November 2nd, 2004.
Thank you…Doug
Prepared and paid for by Anderson for Mayor Committee • 11510 133rd Ave N., Dayton, MN 55327 • 6128402758 • J.W. Snider, Treasurer